What Do You Need To Start?

Jack's picture
Wed, 09/03/2011 - 01:17 -- Jack

What you need is a good laptop and of course internet access. That can be a problem. However, in Thailand, Bali, Malaysia, USA, Europe the internet is in almost every hotel. I suggest you buy a 17 inch laptop, HP, Asus, something good and reliable, Asus has a global warranty, so that might be good and start making money online. Get a good luggage and some saved money. I do not suggest you just go to travel, if you don't have enough money. First make some money, when the money is starting to flow every month, let's say 2000 USD is a minimum, it is time to move.

Sign up on my site, I will start sending private emails on how I make money that allows me to travel around the world.

Looking at the crows in Bali, ubud

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