Just A Normal Day In Los Angeles California

Jack's picture
Sat, 26/09/2015 - 01:29 -- Jack

Wow today I was woken up by a police helicopter circling right above my house in Venice Los Angeles California. What a day. I dont know if I should be excited ot scared. There were recently 2 major murders in Venice, few weeks ago. First was the crazy homeless person with a knife, who was shot by policeman near my home. Then there was another murder, where crazy person was carrying big knife and was shot too. In fact that happened few steps from my home!!

And the last one, just a mile away, a hotel owner or Lincoln hotel ordered to his security guy to kill a homeless person who was spending too much time around his hotel. 

This is what I have to endure, it is thrilling and it sucks at the same time. Statistically there is a small chance I can die here, because there are so many people here, but still I have never live actually so close to a recent crime scene ever in my life. 

Video is pending.....

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